Friday, September 16, 2005

More Blogging Power

This is without a doubt the mark of a true lazy geek. After just posting a single tiny blog I started thinking about how I could make my posting easier amonth the things I desired were:
  • The ability to post even when I'm offline or have no internet access
  • The ability to publish a bunch of articles that say I might have cumulatively written over the weekend
  • Very importantly post images into the blog without having to jump through some hoops to upload a file (OLE)
  • And of course more control over formatting without seeing unhuman HTML tags in the articles
  • This differs from what all of you blog-from-anywhere proponents really want. In my case I'm assuming that to write anything - I need my little laptop. Otherwise I'm really not writing anything significant. Somebody recently suggested the use of pan and pepper! That's just foolish. How can a pan and some pepper help me here. Or was it pen and paper . . . I wonder what it all means.

    Coming back to the point - I looked around for 5 minutes and thanks to the open source fraternity I landed this Windows blogging client from called, not surprisingly, PowerBlog 2.4. Ahh those beautiful numbers. The major and minor version numbers can only mean someone's been hard at work to iron out the issues.

    Let's blog this and find out. If you don't see anything further in this blog, IT WORKED!

    Weeell, it's pacifier time. Nothing's perfect right? Very impressive but a few issues here:

  • Everything was double spaced
  • The title to the article didn't get published (didn't set the 'significance' if it had to do anything with the title)
  • I later found that you'll have to edit the by pre-formatting template clicking on the 'Drops' tab But this should be unnecessary if you want the default blog site's formatting.
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